Saturday, June 02, 2007


In my last post I have highlighted, mainly, some arbitrary concepts of the modern physics, e.g. gravitational force, etc... I didn’t touch some other more important riddles of life, i.e. to say mind, memory, dreams, consciousness, soul, etc...

The development of the science of interpretation of dreams can, in due course reveal, hitherto, many unknown secrets of the nature. Unfortunately, the vanity of modern sciences is too arrogant to be concerned to the faculties of mind, memory, dreams, consciousness, soul, etc... Modern researchers seem to have concentrated themselves mainly on the study of mind and its faculties, only. They have ignored the soul, and perhaps that is the reason that they have not succeeded in making much headway in solving the riddles of dreams. The Vedic Indians on the other hand, had based their studies and research on mind and soul both.

Dreams may be divided into four categories, as follows:-

[1] Dreams informing, symbolically, the ouster and desertion of evil habits: - In this process, fearsome depression occurs as reaction, which appear as bad omen, unnatural, furious and, violent in dreams.

[2] Dreams resulting in amplification of good element of the inner-self: -This type of dreams is generally experienced by people who diligently, contrive for all the good thing of life, which are consistent with the laws of nature. This type of dreams indicates rapid growth of sacredness of the inner-self of such persons. The experience of participation by oneself, or by other, in some auspicious and sacred events in dreams indicates the above–mentioned growth of sacredness. This stage is reached when much of the evil and dirty ingredients of one’s internal habits are ousted and deserted and, the resistances of remnant evil ingredients of the internal self are weekend to a great extent.

[3] Dreams of some premonitions of future events: - This type of dreams occurs, generally, after the enhancement of dreamers’ internal sacredness.

[4] Dreams of divine experiences: - This type of dreams can be experienced in a awakened state, only by the people practicing transcendentalism, flight of imaginations concentrated at certain specific aspect of consciousness etc.

I have personally experienced the authenticity of the aforesaid theories -- one of experiences is related to a very important political implications. Some day in future, one can find the details of my experience at another URL of mine.

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